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Respite in Herzegovina

Требиње, Република Српска

Trebinje, Republika Srpska

May 14th 2024

Reeling from the surprised crowdedness of Kotor, it seemed right to just pick a random destination inland to sleep. A small city of Trebinje was on the route and easily accessible, and it might have been my favourite place on the whole journey so far. People were nice, there's a lot of old architecture, a river and walking path (pretty rare in these parts), and just a generally chill vibe. It's the little things.

What isn't great, as always, are the conditions of the strays. We found a group of ~6 cats that hung out by a pizza place. They were sniffing and having way too much sex. One of them was limping with a suspected broken arm - we got an animal transporter from a vet and tried to catch him again across 2 days, but he never reappeared.

In another place, two puppies were tied up as guard dogs. Although they didn't know it, and were jumping at us as happily as puppies do, this would be their entire life. Imprisoned forever by their leash, to guard... I don't even know what. Nothing?

Mr broken foot

Frog face, I love himmmm

Guards for life

This pup followed us from a car park to the pizza place, where a local woman feeds other dogs, and probably found himself a new home


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