江之島, 日本
Enoshima, Japan
February 17th 2023
Mt Fuji
Getting a bit behind with the journal, a crushing cycle ride followed by two night buses killed my energy.
Japan has been many things, but neither relaxing nor convenient were one of them. Existing has been a great effort and expense. From finding vegan food and ingredients, to using services where a little outside-the-box thinking is required, to locating afforable public transport, very little has been simple. I was all but ready to call Japan a lost cause, before travel serendipity struck as it always does, and I ended up talking and spending the day with a complete stranger on Enoshima. The day also ended with my first view of Fuji, albeit only a sunset silhouette.
Also, a sh*t tonne of black kites, a species I will be visiting later in the year somewhere rhyming with mammalia. Someone should tell them they are birds of prey though, as they were flying too close and stealing food from people like simple seagulls.